Our highly qualified technical staff are equipped with SHE documentation per scope of work at take 5 with JSA to meet client’s expectations on Quality Assurance and Safety for Personnel and Environment

Mal-con Ltd - the leading provider of home and workplace Vector and Pest Management Services
About Mal-con Ltd
Mal-Con Limited is a 100% Papua New Guinea - nationally owned company which was incorporated in August 2009. It was formed by medical personnel with special interest in Malaria vector control, especially in areas impacted by the Liquidified Natural Gas (LNG) project in Hela, Southern Highlands, Gulf, Western and Central Provinces.
The Founder, Nelson Aliabe, an Highly Certified Vector Control Expert, hails from both Kenamu and Kobiaya Clan from Hides gas field (Hides PDL 1) and Tokomu Clan from Juha gas field (PDL 9) in the Hela Province of Papua New Guinea. He has been working with Oil Search Limited since 1996, and has been in the forefront of the Malaria spraying program for more than a decade.
The company has drawn enormous support from Highly Skilled professionals, Occupational Physicians, Entomologists, Vector & Pest Management Experts (both local and expatriates) to facilitate for its success.
A Pioneer Cross-cutting Job
Mal-con Ltd was engaged by ExxonMobil PNG Ltd to participate in the PNG LNG Project's Vector & Pest Management Services through a sub-contract arrangement with the then Contractor - MosquitoZone PNG Ltd from 2011 to 2019.
We have a team of highly qualified and experienced Vector and Pest Management technicians. Qualifications and certifications of all our team members meet international standards where we ascertain priority in safety while ensuring quality and standard output of our customer services.
General Training Programs Attained for Competency
Vector Control
Larval surveillance, Adult mosquito surveillance and monitoring, general vector surveillance and program management, Fogging, Residual Spraying with appropriate Insecticide, Education, and Awareness, Malaria Case Investigation and Advice, Applied Parasitology and Entomology, Medical Microbiology & Laboratory Technician, Disinfection Programs for Vector Borne Disease
Pest Control
Dry storage pest identification and Control, Fly control, Cockroach control, Ant control. Mice and Rodent control and Snake removal, Ferro animal control, Bed Bug Control, Education, and Awareness
Standards, Quality Assurance and Safety Certifications
Malaria Control Program -BP Exploration Company - Papua New Guinea
Microbiology & Hematology - St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne Australia
Remote Area Medical Clinic program -St Vincent’s Hospital Malborne Australia
Level 2 Laboratory Malaria Microscopist according to the WHO Interim Standard of Competency assessment from WHO & ACTMalaria
Vitros Biochemistry Analyser (DT60II, DTSCII, DTEII) Training Meddent - Townsville Hospital, QLD Australia.
Snake Handler Training - Melbourne, Australia
Quality Assurance Program Management - Sullivan and Nicholades Pathology, Cairns, Australia
Advanced Safety Awareness & Advance First Aid Fundamental Training – St. Johns Ambulance
Comprehensive Hazard Assessment and Risk Management- PNG National Disaster Center Training Reg.No.066
CYTEC Eco2Fume Certification – NAQIA -ECO2311
Dangerous Goods Handling – AIR PNG Ltd.
OHSE Level I-VI – Occupation Health and Safety Association of PNG Inc
Chairman’s HSE Award for managing malaria in Papua New Guinea – British Petroleum Company BP - London,England